Whomever is out there that is trying to stop me; you might slow me down, but stopping will Never be an option.
Success is my own and on MY terms - NOT yours!
What I do is strictly on ME!
I fund Everything myself!
You think the financial roadblocks and barricades are enough to stop me?!
Not a chance!
I already busted clean through those!
I already have the Credit Card issue thrown in front of me solved too.
That was just piddly bullshit.
By July 1, I aim on having what I need to have done completed!
I already have my Business budget worked out and what I need to charge for my services as a Business is already right where I need it to be.
Trying to Stop me will have to be a far larger and more physical effort than the piddly bullshit that I suspect is connected!
And yes; killing me physically will be the ONLY option left to stop me!
Yeah, and that Book I am writing?!
A Massive Bombshell right in the middle of Historical Research!
That is among many projects I am wrapping up and tying loose ends on.
This is the year I aim on wrapping things up on and saying Good Bye to the past, kicking open the door to new things; but I know: that would upend Everything that anyone wants to stop me from doing.
Too bad!
Get over it!
2024 is going to be an interesting year!