The Outlaw Psychic Difference
Together, William and I are independent Psychic Mediums.
We have a combined 44 years in the Psychic field.
I am born of Shaman/Druid/Wicca/Gypsy Lineage, through all my lines.
I am the sole Owner/CEO/COO of this Business.
I am the one, only and original "Outlaw Psychic,"
The big difference between me and everyone else, is that I am fast and accurate, at about 90%.
I have made it my Business to "hit my Target" (almost) every single time.
More often than not, I am validated in my information.
My precision makes me who and what I am.
I don't chase clients.
I stick to Truth and brutal honesty.
Everything I get from Spirit, I say it straight.
I also descend from the Native People and Outlaws of the Old West, most who were Psychic in their own right.
I cherish my Lineage, whose Boots I now occupy.
When you ride with me, you become a part of me.
I won't abandon my Clients
I am the Author of "Born Into Shamanism," (Kindle/Amazon).